CUTS Africa Resource Centre through its competiton policy, investment and economic regulation program held a dissemination workshop on “Regulatory and Competition-related reforms in Kenya’s Power and Petroleum Sector” under the ICBE Research project. This event attracted 23 particiopants drawn from the energy sector, research institutions, private sector, academia, Kenya electricity generating company and the civil society.
With the support from the Investment Climate and Business Environment Research Fund (ICBE-RF) created by Trust Africa, the International Development Research Center (IDRC) and the Foundation for Sustainable Enterprise and Development (FSED). The Study was envisaged to:
assess the institutional framework of the national competition policy and the regulatory structures
review and evaluate the competition policy and regulatory framework of the energy sector in light of energysector reforms
undertake a comparative analysis of competition and regulatory framework in energy sector in other countries
- Backgrounder
- Agenda
- List of Participants
- Report
- Research