Regulatory and Institutional Challenges Affecting SMEs Development In Kenya (RICS Project)
About the Project:
CUTS Africa Resource Centre (CUTS ARC), Nairobi with support from Trust Africa through the ICBE Research Fund is implementing a one year project on “Small and Medium Enterprises and Devolved Government System: An Assessment of the Regulatory and Institutional Challenges Affecting SMEs Development In Kenya (RICS)’’. The general aim of the study is to analyse institutional and regulatory framework for SMEs vis-a-avis the devolved government system in Kenya, given the dispensation of the new constitution. The research output is expected to provide evidence and inputs that would be important in developing policy choices for improving the regulatory and institutional governance for SMEs at county levels .The project will be implemented in four counties in Kenya.
Expected Project Output
Research report.
Country led SME development policy paper.
Project Duration:
February 2012 to January 2013.
CUTS Africa Resource Centre, Nairobi
Yaya Court-2nd Floor, No.5
Ring Rd, Kilimani off Argwings Kodhed Rd
PO Box: 8188-00200
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: + 254-20-386 2149-50/232 9112
Fax: + 254-20-2386 2149 (TF)