Kenya Consumer protection Round table

The need to mobilize, strengthen and further develop a strong consumer champions and protection agencies in Kenya is long overdue. Apart from just having consumer protection organisations and agencies with clear and noble missions in Kenya, of significance is the need to develop a coherent and structured strategy for the direction they are heading and harmonizing consumer protection activities in the country with a view for the attainment of a common mission of effective protection of consumers in the long run. Collective mapping of such strategies incorporated with innovative ideas for the future work process is paramount to the establishment and strengthening of the consumer protection regime in Kenya while increasing the novelty, effectiveness and efficiency of consumer protection organizations and institutions’ activities, and helping raise their credibility and profile on the national scene.

This imply having in place a strong consumer protection regime; whose utmost goal is to protect and promote the interests of consumers; which inter alia providing them with warnings about hazardous products, as well as any other essential information to make informed choices, help with conciliatory mediation or information about available redress forums and measures over consumer disputes, and represent and voice consumers interest in relevant decision-making process.

The US federal Trade commission has been working closely with CUTS Nairobi and the Monopolies and Prices Commission of Kenya to strengthen consumer protection regime in the country through sharing of best practices, knowledge and resources on issues of consumer protection for the benefit of all Kenyan consumers. During the period 12th July 2011, US FTC supported the initiative of having a consumer protection roundtable in Kenya to bring together consumer protection organizations and agencies in the country to deliberate on the consumer protection initiatives in Kenya.

The objective of the consumer roundtable was to appreciate the ongoing and completed consumer protection initiatives in the country, to share on the experience of consumer protection by US Federal Trade Commission and to forge the way forward of enhancing consumer protection in the country. The round table was a launch pad session to bring together consumer champions and protection agencies in the country. Consumer champions were able to deliberate freely on issues bedeviling consumers in Kenya and forge common ground on dealing with these fundamental issues.
